
2025 Primary Election Date Changed from June 3, 2025 to June 10, 2025
Petition filing deadline for June 10 primary: March 24 by 4 p.m.
(See IMPORTANT NOTICES to candidates below.)
Ballot position drawings for June 10 primary: April 3rd @ 3 p.m.
Deadline to change party affiliation: April 16
Commence mailing of primary Mail-In Ballots: April 19

2025 Primary Election Timeline


On Mon., Feb. 3, 2025 Governor Murphy signed A5117/S3994 into law. This new legislation changes the number of signatures required on Primary petitions. The law is effective retroactive to Jan. 1, 2025, meaning ALL 2025 Primary petitions have to comply with the new signature requirements.

County-level candidates can view signature requirements under “Candidate Information.”

Municipal-level and County Committee candidates should contact their respective Municipal Clerk for their district’s signature requirements.

In early March, Governor Murphy signed A5116 into law. This new legislation removed the office of “State Committee Member” from the primary election process. Moving forward, membership to Democratic and Republican State Committee will be determined by the respective party’s county committee members. This same law establishes a new labeling scheme on Primary ballots, incorporating a Letter & Number designation for contests and candidates (e.g., The first contest block is labeled “A,” and the candidate with first position in that block receives the designation “1A” — the second candidate 2A and so on. The second contest block is labeled B, with the first candidate in that block designated 1B, second candidate 2B, and so on). Labeling of candidates is a requirement under the law.

Voters, take note of your Congressional District

In order to be able to vote in Sussex County New Jersey's June 10 Primary Election, you must be a registered voter of the county & state. The deadline to register to vote for the June 10 primary election is Tues., May 20th. Citizens can register with the Sussex County Board of Elections, or they can register online via the NJ Division of Elections online voter registration system. Voters also must affiliate with one of the two parties holding primaries June 10th in order to be eligible to vote in their primary. The deadline for voters to change their party affiliation is April 16th (55 days prior to Election Day). Voters with "unaffiliated" party status are able to declare their party at the polls or, if voting by mail, can declare their party at the time they request a mail-in ballot. There will be THREE ways to vote this June...

1. Vote early in person from Tuesday, June 3rd thru Sunday, June 8th at one of three Early Vote Centers in the county (for EV Center locations and polling hours see Early Voting tab below);

2. Vote early by mail-in ballot; the last day to request a mail-in ballot for the June 10th Primary Election is Tues. June 3rd. After June 3rd, voters can apply in person to vote a paper ballot at the Clerk’s Office up through Mon. June 9th before 3 p.m.

3. Vote on Election Day, in person using a voting machine at your assigned polling place. Election Day polls open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

For more detailed information about these options, click the corresponding tab on our Elections page.

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO!  If you have questions about Vote By Mail, call the County Clerk's Election Office at 973-579-0900. If you have voter registration, polling place, or party affiliation questions, call the County Board of Elections at 973-579-0950.
For Primary and General Elections, New Jersey voters have the option to vote early in person on voting machines at "Vote Centers" in their county. The three sites designated as Vote Centers in Sussex County are:
  1. Cochran House Building, Level PL, 83 Spring St. in Newton
  2. Sussex-Wantage Branch Library, Wantage, Google Maps Link
  3. Louise Childs Branch Library, Stanhope, Google Maps Link
The Early Voting period for the June 10, 2025 Primary Election is Tuesday, June 3rd thru Sunday, June 8th, with the following hours: Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Registered voters will receive a Sample Ballot in the mail 10-13 days before Election Day, which will provide address information for the Vote Centers, as well as voting hours.

NOTE! If you're a voter who is scheduled to receive a mail-in ballot for the upcoming election, but you would rather vote in person at the polls, you should opt off the vote-by-mail list before ballots are mailed. Ballots for primary and general elections are mailed 45 days prior to Election Day.

Questions about polling sites and/or hours should be directed to the Sussex County Board of Elections at 973-579-0950.
Mail-in Ballots (also called "Absentee Ballots") are mailed up to 45 days prior to major elections. To receive your ballot by mail, download a Mail-In Ballot Application and complete Sections 1-9* and mail your signed application to: Sussex County Clerk's Office, 83 Spring St., Suite 304, Newton, NJ  07860. In order to receive your ballot by mail, your application must be received by our office a minimum of seven (7) days prior to an election.  Any voter who fails to apply by the deadline may apply in person at our office up to 3:00 p.m. the day before the election. *NOTES:
  1. If you prefer to vote by mail in all future elections, be sure to check that box at the top of your Vote By Mail Application. For those voters who opt to receive mail-in ballots for "All Future Elections," note that your name will be removed from the permanent mailing list if you fail to vote your mail-in ballot in four consecutive years,
  2. If someone assisted you in completing your Vote By Mail Application, they should complete Section 10 of the application.
  3. Once you apply for a mail-in ballot, you will not be allowed to vote at your polling place or one of the county's three vote centers in the same election, unless you vote provisionally.
NOTE: See tab below "Instructions on How To Vote by Mail" for more information.
Voters who want to vote early by paper ballot, but who miss the deadline to request a mail-in ballot by mail, may apply to vote an early paper ballot in person at the County Clerk's Office up until 3 p.m. the Monday before Election Day. Regular office hours are Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: Cochran House Professional Bldg., 83 Spring Street, Suite 304 in Newton. Paid parking lot available on Trinity Street.

Mail-In ballot

Check your mailbox for your Mail-In Ballot.

STEP 1: When your mail-in ballot arrives, open it right away to make sure your packet is complete

vote by mail contents
  1. A Certificate of Mail-In Voter
  2. Your Ballot
  3. A blue Return Envelope
  4. Voting instructions
If you are missing any item listed above, please contact the County Clerk's Office at 973-579-0900, ext. 1507.

STEP 2: Locate the ballot; read the "Instructions to the Voter."

These appear on your ballot (top left box). Failing to follow the instructions can result in your vote not being counted.

STEP 3: Mark your ballot using a black or blue ballpoint pen.

STEP 4: Fold your ballot and place it in the pocket of your "certificate" envelope.

This pocket envelope is located under the flap labeled "Certificate of Mail-In Voter." NOTE: This flap must not be detached! After placing your ballot inside the certificate envelope, locate the plastic strip beneath the flap and remove the strip to expose the glue and seal your ballot inside the envelope. If this certificate envelope containing your ballot is not sealed closed, your ballot will not be counted.

STEP 5: Complete the "Certificate of Mail-In Voter"

You must sign the certificate where indicated. The signature should match how you signed your name at the time of voter registration. If there is an issue with your signature, the Board of Elections will contact you and give you instructions on how to "cure" your signature issue. (If you are voting a primary ballot you must also declare a party affiliation; you do this by checking the box of the party whose ballot you voted.) FACT: Signing the "Certificate of Mail-In Voter" is necessary to prevent someone else from voting your mail-in ballot. When your ballot is received by the Board of Elections, board workers will verify that your signature matches their record and then they will detach the certificate from the envelope that contains your ballot. When the envelope is opened and your ballot revealed, there is nothing connecting you to the ballot; your votes remain anonymous.

STEP 6: Place the "Certificate of Mail-In Voter" envelope into the blue return envelope

Return Envelope
Make sure that your name and address show through the window; remove the plastic strip to expose the adhesive and be sure to seal the blue envelope. If you don't seal your envelope, your ballot will not be counted!

STEP 7: Return your ballot; you have 3 options

  1. Mail your ballot.
  2. Deposit it in one of 14 secure Ballot Drop Boxes located in the county.
  3. Hand-deliver your ballot to the County Board of Elections (if you designate someone to deliver it for you, that person would be your "bearer" and must complete the boxed bearer section on the front of the blue envelope).
Call our office if you require assistance 973-579-0900, ext. 1507.
Secure ballot drop boxes are available in the following locations for the June 10 Primary Election:
  1. Sussex County Clerk's Office, Newton, rear of building
  2. Andover Township Municipal Building
  3. Byram Township Municipal Building
  4. Frankford Township Municipal Building
  5. Franklin Borough Municipal Building
  6. Fredon Township Civic Center
  7. Hampton Township Municipal Building
  8. Hardyston Township Municipal Building
  9. Hopatcong Borough Municipal Building
  10. Montague Township Municipal Building
  11. Sandyston Township Municipal Building
  12. Sparta Township Municipal Building
  13. Vernon Township Municipal Building
  14. Wantage Township Municipal Building

For those voters who cannot make it to the polls for Early Voting or Election Day and who missed the deadline to apply by mail for a mail-in ballot, they may authorize a messenger to apply for a paper/absentee ballot on their behalf, messenger them their ballot, and then deliver their voted ballot to the County Board of Elections. Note that an authorized messenger may not serve as a messenger (or bearer) for more than THREE qualified voters, except that the individual may serve as such for up to FIVE qualified voters if those voters are immediate family members living in the same household as the messenger/bearer. The voted ballots must be delivered to the County Board of Elections by the close of polls on Election Day (which is 8 p.m. for Primary & General elections); the bearer will be required to present official identification before signing the mandated bearer log. To qualify as an authorized messenger …
  1. Person must be a registered voter in the county or a family member of the qualified voter.
  2. Person CANNOT be a candidate in the election for which the voter is requesting a ballot.
Download a Vote By Mail Ballot Application. You must complete Sections 1-9 and 11 (complete Section 10 only if applicable). The voter authorizes a person to act as an authorized messenger by completing and signing Section 11 of the application. The authorized messenger will be required to present photo ID and apply his/her signature to Section 11 in front of the County Clerk or his designee at the time the application is submitted. Feel free to call the Clerk’s Office with any early voting questions you may have (973-579-0900, ext. 1507)

If you requested a mail-in ballot for the upcoming election, or you are on a list to automatically receive mail-in ballots for all future elections, but you do not receive a ballot in the mail, you can request a replacement ballot from the Sussex County Clerk's Office by calling 973-579-0900, ext. 1507.

Do NOT request a replacement ballot if you only need a new envelope; call our office at 973-579-0900, ext. 1507 for new yellow or blue envelopes.

Do NOT request a replacement ballot if you already voted and returned a ballot.

Voters who requested to receive mail-in ballots for all future elections, but who have decided they no longer want to receive ballots by mail can discontinue this service at any time by submitting a request in writing to our office. For your convenience, COMPLETE & RETURN THIS FORM TO OPT-OFF if you no longer want to receive mail-in ballots for all future elections.

Overseas voters are permitted to vote via regular mail, fax, or e-mail. This service is available to Sussex County residents (or former residents) who are living or working outside the United States, including military personnel and their dependents (see Military Voter tab). 

There are three types of “overseas voters,” and the category you fall within will determine the type of ballot you can vote.
  • U.S. citizens living temporarily overseas are eligible to vote the complete ballot of their permanent address in the U.S.
  • U.S. citizens living permanently overseas (or whose return is uncertain) may vote a State/Federal Overseas Ballot, which allows them to vote for state & federal offices, as well as any public questions voted statewide.
  • U.S. citizens who were born outside of the United States are eligible to only vote for federal offices, including President, U.S. Senate, and Congress.
Visit fvap.gov for more complete information on overseas voting.
Military servicemen and women and their dependents, and civilians attached to or serving in the military are permitted to vote electronically. For more information on registering to vote or voting absentee while in or attached to the military visit fvap.gov.  Note that voted ballots must be received by the County Board of Elections before the close of polls on Election Day.

In New Jersey, mail-in/absentee ballots are accepted via mail up to six days after Election Day, as long as the envelope bears a postmark not later than Election Day. Provisional Ballots are counted after the deadline for receiving mail-in/absentee ballots has passed.

If you require additional information not found at this site, please feel free to Contact Us.