Check your mailbox for your Mail-In Ballot.
STEP 1: When your mail-in ballot arrives, open it right away to make sure your packet is complete

- A yellow Certificate of Mail-In Voter Envelope
- Your Ballot*
- A blue Return Envelope
- Voter Instructions
If you are missing any item listed above, please contact the County Clerk’s Office at 973-579-0900, ext. 1507.
* If you want to vote in a primary election and you are an unaffiliated voter you will be required to affiliate with either the Democratic or Republican Party in order to vote in their primary. You must affiliate before a ballot can be mailed to you.
STEP 2: Read the “Instructions to the Voter”
These appear on your ballot (top left box). Failing to follow the ballot voting instructions can result in your vote not being counted.
STEP 3: Mark your ballot
STEP 4: Complete the “Certificate of Mail-In Voter”
You must sign the certificate by the red x. (If there are multiple voters in your household, make sure you sign your certificate.)

If you are voting a primary ballot you must also declare a party affiliation; you do this by checking the box of the party whose ballot you voted.
STEP 5: Fold your ballot and place it in the privacy envelope

This pocket envelope is located under the flap labeled “Certificate of Mail-In Voter.” REMOVE THE PLASTIC STRIP to expose the glue and firmly seal the flap down to secure your ballot inside, but do NOT detach the flap.
STEP 6: Place the sealed yellow envelope into the blue return envelope
Make sure that your name and address show through the window; REMOVE the PLASTIC STRIP to expose the glue and firmly seal the blue envelope.

STEP 7: Return your ballot; you have 3 options
1. Mail your ballot; it must be post-marked before or on Election Day and be received by the Board of Elections no later than six days after Election Day in order to be counted.
2. Deposit it in one of several secure Ballot Drop Boxes located in the county.
3. Hand-deliver your ballot to the County Board of Elections (if you designate someone to deliver your ballot for you, that person would be your “bearer” and must complete the bearer section on the front of the blue envelope before they take your ballot from you).

Call our office if you require assistance 973-579-0900, ext. 1507.